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Best Grave Flowers For Fort Snelling National Cemetery


Many people feel comfort in bringing cemetery flowers to the gravesites of their loved ones. But most times, they don't know which type of flower is the most appropriate. Here is a quick guide to some of the best types of flowers to bring to a grave.

Why Do We Leave Flowers on Graves?

Cemetery flowers have been used for centuries as a way to show love and respect for the dead. In many cultures, flowers are seen as a symbol of life and death. They represent the fragility of life and the cycle of birth and death. And for many people, leaving flowers in a cemetery is a way to honor their loved one's memory.

When do people leave flowers on a grave?

  • At the funeral or graveside service

  • On holidays 

  • On the death anniversary

  • When they want to honor their loved one

Bear in mind that there is no need to have a specific holiday or cause in mind when leaving flowers on a grave. You should, however, be considerate of your selection. You'll also want to pay attention to the cemetery's guidelines regarding donations at the burial site.


Best Types of Flowers to Leave in the Spring or Summer


A bunch of carnations


If you're leaving flowers in the spring or summer, you have to ensure that they can withstand the heat. Rain and storms are also typical during these seasons, so you don't want your flowers to blow away easily. The most suitable blooms for putting on a grave in the spring or summer are listed below:

Yarrow: The delicate beauty of this bloom conveys royalty wherever it's placed. They appreciate lots of sunshine, so they're ideal for a burial site that is exposed to the elements.

They will continue to blossom for many days or possibly weeks, giving the area a touch of brightness.

Carnations: Carnations are a popular flower because they are thought to represent love. They're an excellent choice for a lover, spouse, or anyone you were close to.

The bright pink and rose hues may lead you to believe that they are too "happy" for a cemetery, but the opposite is true. They're warmth and affection in flower form.

Poppies: Poppies come in various hues, ranging from red to yellow to orange. They're ideal for the spring and summer since there are so many vivid colors. Once plucked, the flowers will not last as long, but they're a fantastic way to add some brightness to any tombstone.


A sunflower


Sunflower: With their name derived from the word "sun," you can rest assured that sunflowers are ideal for summer. These blooms thrive in the summer and are a manifestation of sunshine itself. These will certainly attract everyone's attention when included in a bouquet.

Marigolds: The marigold is a bright, sunny bloom. These are colored vivid orange or yellow and flourish in the sunshine, so you'll encounter them from May through September.


Best Types of Flowers to Leave in the Fall or Winter


A bunch of white roses


When the leaves start to change color and fall, it can be a somber time. The days are shorter, and the weather is cooler. You'll want to choose flowers that can withstand the colder temperatures and longer nights. Here are some of the best flowers fro graves in the winter:

Roses: Roses are symbols of love, but they're also excellent choices for paying tribute to someone who has passed away. The red rose is most commonly associated with romantic love, but white roses represent innocence and purity.

Pansies: There's a kind of pansy that blooms in the winter. They're a beautiful flash of color on an otherwise white background. There's a reason these are a favorite of winter gardeners.


A bunch of pansies


Daffodils: Daffodils are a winter bloom that gardeners call "February Gold" since they blossom in later months. The cold has no effect on these brilliant yellow blossoms. Yellow is a color of joy and friendship that may be seen in flowers.

Chamomile: This flower, also known as the pinhead, is renowned for being used in a herbal tea of the same name. This has been used for hundreds of years as a soothing agent, and the flowers themselves appear like blooming daisies.


Ways to Leave Graveside Flowers


A cemetery with wreaths decorating its headstones


Now that you know what kind of funeral flowers are best for each season, you need to think about how to leave them. Here are some of the most common methods used in cemeteries:

  • Bouquet: You can leave a bouquet of flowers on the gravesite. This is a good way to show that you're thinking of the deceased and want to honor their memory.

  • Grave Blankets: A grave blanket is a large arrangement of flowers that covers the entire gravesite. This is a more expensive option, but it will make a big impact.

  • Wreath: A wreath is a circular arrangement of flowers that can be placed on the ground or hung on a headstone. Wreaths are typically used to mark a special occasion, such as Christmas or Easter. 

  • Cemetery vase: Many cemeteries have vases that are specifically designed for graveside flowers. A cemetery vase can be placed on the ground or attached to the tombstone.

  • Artificial/ Silk flowers: Sometimes, It is more practical to utilize silk flowers since they will not wilt or get damaged. However, see if your cemetery allows these.

Make Sure To Check The Cemetery Rules

Before leaving any flower , be sure to check the cemetery's rules. Most national cemeteries rules about what kind of flowers are allowed and how they can be placed. A good example is how most cemeteries allow decorations outside of the mowing season. Also In some cemeteries, you may see stuffed animals, small toys, notes, and other personal items placed on graves while other cemeteries have staff that immediately remove such items. Some cemeteries allow mourners to plant bushes or perennials, while other only allows silk flowers.

Need Fresh Flowers Delivered To Your Loved One's Grave At Fort Snelling?


An Image of Fort Snelling national cemetery


We've made paying your respects to deceased loved ones easy and handy with online and phone purchases at Fort Snelling Cemetery Flowers. You pick the date on the arrangement (other than holiday arrangements) and receive a beautiful flower arrangement or Christmas wreath for their resting place. We take numerous photographs of the monument after placing the order at the site, allowing the recipient's family to view it whether they reside in a big city or a remote location.

We understand how comforting this is, as we've experienced it firsthand. It provides you with a feeling of being there in spirit. Whether it's Memorial Day, an anniversary, birthday, Veterans Day, Christmas, or any other special day, you can rest easy knowing that your loved one is acknowledged. Please feel free to contact us today!

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